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Helpful Tips For Dealing With Panic Attacks

May 23

Helpful Tips For Dealing With Panic Attacks

While brief in nature, panic attacks can be extremely troubling. You want to know the best tips available for panic attacks so that you can help to prevent them if possible. This article will have a wealth of great information for just this purpose. Take a few minutes to read and you will be happy that you did.

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Some people experience panic attacks while driving or riding in a car. Should this happen to you, opening the car windows a bit for some fresh air on your face should help. If it's summertime, crank the air conditioning for a bit which should cool your head and calm your nerves. If you are flying, open the overhead fan all the way to cool yourself and calm down.


If you begin to feel panic attacks when you are in high pressure situations like public speaking events, then you should try to understand that the situation is only temporary and that life goes on. As you get placed in more situations like these, you will become more relaxed and happy.


Seeing a counselor or therapist can often be helpful in dealing with panic attacks. This person's job is to assist you in dealing with problems. Just knowing that there is a person available to talk to you can make a big difference in the way you feel and the likelihood that you will have a panic attack.


You are not alone, and by knowing this you will have an easier time dealing with your anxiety. When dealing with anxiety attacks, you need people around who can help you with these problems and issues. Isn't this what you have friends for?


Realize that feelings are just feelings and that they can't harm you while you're having a panic attack. Stand still for just one minute and let the feelings drain out of your body. Try to blank your mind out and then replace those bad thoughts with positive ones about the people you love.


Concentrate on your navel during a panic attack. Sit or lie down and think about your navel, the center of your body. Your navel feels no tension nor pain and it is your connection to the people you love. Imagine a silver cord going from it to the person you love more than anyone else and then draw their strength through the cord into your body.


A great technique when you have a panic attack is to visualize yourself as a bird. Fly through the blue, clear sky on the wind until you reach a beautiful meadow. Fly into the meadow and through the grass, watching it sway in the breeze. When you concentrate on all the details you're seeing you'll forget about the panic attack altogether.


In conclusion, this article has contained a few great methods to help prevent troublesome panic attacks from occurring. While the attack itself is scary, you know that it is only temporary and that you will soon recover without any permanent effects. Use this for yourself or help out somebody that you care about.